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Icons for Microsoft Office

Office Online, is a web-based version of the core Office apps, also produced by Microsoft.


Although hundreds of icons are produced for the "Desktop Apps", the icons for the web-based applications, involved a different process with multiple and complex production stages. Final icons had to be delivered as vector images in multiple sizes; snap to grid; observe strict branding styles and color, and maintain visual loyalty to the previous "legacy" concepts for icons in all Office products.


Created with:

Adobe Illustrator

Fontlab Studio



Icons for Microsoft Windows, XboxOne

XboxOne, the line of home video game consoles developed successor to Xbox 360, Xbox One received mostly positive reception for its refined controller design, multimedia features, and voice navigation.


Production for XboxOne involved the creation of up to 800 new graphics delivered in vector file formats per UI request: each design had to snap to grid for crisp, uniform appearance and maintain the original concept of the "legacy" icons. The goal was to improve on-screen visual experience with smaller, refined UI.



Created with Adobe Illustrator.





Icons for Microsoft Office Lync

Microsoft Lync, (formerly Microsoft Office Communicator) is an instant messaging product, targeted towards corporate environments, for collaborative communication. The basic features of Lync include: instant messaging, Voice Over IP, video conferencing inside the client software.


Production involved the creation of up to 800 assets delivered in multiple file formats and sizes per UI request: icons, redlines and Graphic User Interface environments with highly specific color branding, Windows8 "glyph style" and size constraints.


Created with Photoshop, Fireworks and Illustrator.





Icon Design for
Whitepages "Shopping Center"

Four sets of icons designed to fit with the theme of each "Center's" page as well as complement the style of the overall Whitepages web site.


These icons needed to be small yet noticeable for clickability.















Microsoft Portal Page.

Icons created for the Microsoft Network Portal page, based on the confines of the MSN colors. Each icon is based on the topic of a section on the page.



Photoshop and Illustrator.

Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3

©  by Christina Scott.  All rights reserved.

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